La liste complète des publications avec option de recherche avancée peut être atteinte via le lien suivant: Collection de recherche de l’ETH Zürich

  • Départements / Instituts

Recovery Preparedness of Global Air Transport Influenced by COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Intervention Analysis

Chunli Zhu, Jianping Wu, Mingyu Liu, Linyang Wang, Duowei Li, Anastasios Kouvelas

Bypass urbanization in Lagos in relation to the metropolitan scale (map design by Dorothée Billard, based on Sawyer, 2016).

Bypass Urbanism: Re-ordering Center-Periphery Relations in Kolkata, Lagos and Mexico City

Lindsay Sawyer, Christian Schmid, Monika Streule, Pascal Kallenberger

Comfortable reachable streets, sensitivity on relative humidity: CC Bäckeranlage, basemap: (29) © IVT, ETH Zürich

A GIS-based Model of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Case Study for Zurich

Jonas Hess, Adrian Meister, Valentin Melnikov, Kay W. Axhausen

Microscopic (Aimsun) model of the network, with clustering results as links and controlled intersections as circles (intersections belonging to   in yellow,   in magenta,  in cyan, and   in black). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Modeling, Estimation, and Control in Large-scale Urban Road Networks with Remaining Travel Distance Dynamics 

Isik Ilber Sirmatel, Dimitrios Tsitsokas, Anastasios Kouvelas, Nikolas Geroliminis

Image credit: Guangyu Du / MIT Senseable City Lab

The Universal Visitation Law of Human Mobility

Markus Schläpfer, Lei Dong, Kevin O’Keeffe, Paolo Santi, Michael Szell, Hadrien Salat, Samuel Anklesaria, Mohammad Vazifeh, Carlo Ratti, Geoffrey B. West

51N4E, Denkstatt, Endeavour, Design in Dialogue

51N4E, Denkstatt, Endeavour, Design in Dialogue

Seppe De Blust, Freek Persyn et al.

Relational Theories of Urban Form. An Anthology

Daniel Kiss and Simon Kretz (Editors)

Dead wood in a mountain forest near Davos, Graubünden. © Ana Stritih, ETH Zürich

The Impact of Land-use Legacies and Recent Management on Natural Disturbance Susceptibility in Mountain Forests

Ana Stritih, Cornelius Senf, Rupert Seidl, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Peter Bebi

Paradise Now  Die neuen Grenzen des Gartens

Paradise Now. Die neuen Grenzen des Gartens

Günther Vogt, Violeta Burckhardt, Frank Fehrenbach (Hg.)

Grenzen überschreiten – Räume aktivieren. Transnationale Ansätze der Raumplanung in Europa

Internationales Doktorandenkolleg – Forschungslabor Raum (Hg.)

Fig. 1. The Three Horizons framework used to convene dialogue about how to achieve transformation. Each horizon represents a combination of particular ways of doing things (e.g. approach, technology, actions, values, mindsets). The viability of these ways change over time as surrounding conditions change, with the third horizon dominated system eventually emerging as more viable. The framework helps to identify: (1) Challenges that dominate the present that inhibit progress towards a more viable way of doing things (Horizon 1); (2) Features of a desired future systems (Horizon 3) and the innovations needed for new systems to emerge (Horizon 2). For the latter, distinctions are made between innovations that help create forward momentum (H2+) and those likely to be captured by existing systems and which can reinforce the status quo (H2−). This framework is not a theory, but rather seeks to support the practice of identifying pathways for system change.

Transforming Knowledge Systems for Life on Earth: Visions of Future Systems and how to get there

Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke (…) Tobias Luthe (…) et al.

Neues Soziales Wohnen_Cover

Neues Soziales Wohnen

Dr. Marie Glaser


Zuhause alt werden

Dr. Eveline Althaus & Angela Birrer

Rewriting Architecture Cover

Rewriting Architecture 10+1 Actions: Tabula Scripta

Editors: Floris Alkemade, Michiel van Iersel, Jarrik Ouburg, Mark Minkjan

Projektdokumentation Jugendjobbörse Winterthur

Projektdokumentation Jugendjobbörse Winterthur

Angela Birrer, Eveline Althaus

MaaS bundle design: Fig. 3. Exemplary stated choice experiment (Ho et al., 2020a).

MaaS Bundle Design

Daniel J. Reck, David A. Hensher, Chinh Q. Ho

Pedrozzi Perpetuating Architecture

Perpetuating Architecture

Martino Pedrozzi, Günther Vogt, Thomas Kissling, Bruno Reichlin, Sebastiano Brandolini

Upscaling Earth. Material, Process, Catalyst

Anna Heringer, Lindsay Blair Howe, Martin Rauch

Exklusiv Europabrücke

Exklusiv Europabrücke. Auf Umwegen durch Zürich-Altstetten

Patrick Düblin, Isabelle Fehlmann, Christophe Girot, Myriam Uzor (Hg.)

Lost in Paradise

Lost in Paradise. A Journey trough the Persian Landscape

Siamak Anvari, Annemarie Bucher, Fujan Fahmi, Janic Fotsch, Christophe Girot, Javad Hoseinzadeh, Azadeh Arjomand Kermani, Reihane Khorramrouei, Amin Mahan, Ali Mousavi, Mahroo Movahedi, Dunja Richter, Shirana Shahbazi, Myriam Uzor, Saskia de Wit