7-8 June 2021.
Schwerpunkte is a doctoral event organized by doctoral students from several institute at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich: the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (gta), the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) and the Institute of Design and Architecture (IEA).
The 9th edition of Schwerpunkte aims to explore how the expression of authorship, structured through the methodological approaches of different academic disciplines, shapes and informs the production of knowledge. It is an attempt to challenge and to reconceptualize the established notions of authorship. Through a series of short presentations and workshops, this two-day doctoral workshop aims at opening an interdisciplinary dialogue around the different notions of authorship in relation to epistemologies, situatedness and collaboration.
7-8 June 2021
Design in Dialogue Lab at ETH Zurich
Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA J25, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract submission until 1 April 2021, see website for details.
Website for further information
Susanne Hefti (gta)
Nicole de Lalouvière (LUS)
Marina Montresor (IEA)
Helene Romakin (gta)
Linda Stagni (gta)
Sarem Sunderland (LUS)
Ina Valkanova (LUS)
Gerlinde Verhaeghe (gta)
Maxime Zaugg (gta)