Registration deadline extended to 15 January 2019!
7 to 12 July 2019 in Filzbach (Switzerland).
Students will develop an integrated understanding of land system science and landscape assessment. They learn to use state-of-the-art data, tools, and models for spatial analyses as well as improve their ability to build strong connections between scientific understanding and the communities of practice and policy that govern and manage the use of land.
This summer school is organized by the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL in cooperation with the Global Land Programme GLP and University of Berne. The lecturers build a multi-disciplinary group of renowned scientists from WSL, ETH Zurich, Wageningen University, Free University of Amsterdam, and University of Berne.
Until 15 January 2019. Please upload a motivation letter and a 1-page CV with your registration.
Please note that this summer school will take place right after the world congress of the International Association of Landscape Ecology IALE in Milano (Italy). You can reach the summer school venue in less than a half-day train trip from Milano.