7 Sessions on selected Mondays, 10:00–12:00 ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 4.

Cities and their planning have always been complex. The era of globalization exposed and brought to the fore this complexity. The reason behind this is the networking of hitherto rather iso­ lated places and systems across scales on the basis of Informa­ tion and Communication Technologies. In such a context, an increasing number of planning problems remain unaffected by «command­and­control» approaches to spatial development. In the field of inward development and urban densification, the coupling of economic, technical, political and social sys­ tems gives rise to the very dynamics which contemporary plan­ ning must deal with.

On the following dates the master class invites specialists from relevant fields for a talk and a public discussion:

11.03. Markus Schaefer (Hosoyaschaefer Architects): Urban­ ism and Urban Systems.
25.03. Patrick Schnorf (Wüest Partner): Real Estate Systems.
08.04. Paul Schneeberger (Schweizerischer Städteverband): Traffic Systems Development as Strategic Spatial Development.
15.04. Barbara Zeleny (SBB): Learning from: Site Develop­ment as Urban Development.
29.04. Matthias Thoma (EBP): Planning Strategies in Inward Development.
06.05. AndreasFlury&RainerKlostermann(FNU):Strategi­sche Planung im Untergrund.
13.05. Sabrina Contratto (CONT­S): Density, mix and quality. Settlement development 4.0.


Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung.

Spatial Transformation Laboratories, PD Dr. Joris Van Wezemael and Dr. Markus Nollert.