8.02. / 07.03. / 14.03. / 28.03. / 04.04. / 11.04. , 13∶45 – 15∶30 | HIL E 4, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg.
n the context of our core course ‹Global Theories of Urban Design›, we are inviting six international scholars for guest contributions. Complementing our main survey course ‹Global History of Urban Design›, this core course is intended to engage a large group in a discussion about the diversity of theoretical frameworks to understand the city and the role of urban design across the world. Guests are to be announced soon.
Further information as soon as available: avermaete.arch.ethz.ch and social media
Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture
History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete, Sebastiaan Loosen, María Novas Ferradas
Contact: Sebastiaan Loosen