• Categorie

  • Dipartimenti / Istituti

TACK Talks: How to? A Guide Through Knowing

18:00–19:00 | online. We aim to examine the notion of mediating tacit knowledge from different perspectives, in conversations between the cultural institutions Het Nieuwe Instituut, Vlaams Architectuurinsituut, and Architekturzentrum Wien.

Sessions on Territory – Urbanism as Material Accumulation

Lecture Series | On selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00 | online Zoom link: 95007725252.

Sociology: Extended Urbanization – A Research Seminar

Elective Course Starting | 26 February on Fridays, 12:45–14:30 | online. Lecturers: Christian Schmid, Ileana Apostol, Lindsay Howe. Urban research is confronted today with urbanization processes that unfold far beyond the realm of agglomerations and urban regions.

ACTION! On the Real City: The Audiovisual Poetics of Circularity

Elective Course | Starting 22 February on Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | online. Lecturers: Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. Giving audiovisual form to the concept of ‘circular economy’, we will encourage students to think about the socio-economic relations that constitute our cities, through the use of digital Continua

Urban Policy Analysis: Theoretical and Empirical Developments

Panel at the 5th International Conference on Public Policy in Barcelona from 6–8 July 2021, registration until 28 June. This panel will explore theoretical and empirical developments of urban policy analysis.

Writing Model Histories

12 May, 10:00–13:00 | Colloquium | online. Invited Lecturers: Professor Dr. Thea Brejzek, School of Archi- tecture, University of Technology, Sydney; Professor Dr. Mari Lending, Oslo School of Architecture and Design; Dr. Matthew Wells, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich.

From Cerda’s Block to the Ecosystemic Urbanism Superblock

10 May, 15:45 | Lecture | online. Lecturer: Salvador Rueda, Urban ecology Agency Barcelona.

BAQ – Fábrica De Cultura – Inauguration

June | Zurich, Switzerland (exact time and date TBD).

School of Architecture for Reconciliation: Cooperative Housing and Sustainable Habitats in Post-conflict Colombia

12–16 April, 9:00–17:30 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H22.11 or online, depending on the current rules.

Wastewater Urbanism

15 March, 15:45 | Lecture | online. Lecturer: Seth Denizen, Harvard GSD.

Complex Resurgences

12 March 2021, 16:00 | online. Lecture on the Rapperswiler Tag 2021: «Brennnessel oder Wasabi – Pflanzen neu denken». Lecturer: Teresa Galí-Izard.

Writing Automobile Histories

Colloquium: 5 March, 15:00–18:00 | online. Workshop: 5 March, 18:30–20:30 | online. The colloquium aims to untie the specificity of car travel as a new episteme, addressing issues related to the emergence of the new perceptual regimes that emerged thanks to the automobile. Prof. Iain Borden, Prof. Jae Continua

MAS ETH in Housing

22 February, 17:00–18:00 | Online Information Event. The MAS ETH in Housing team will hold an online public information event where all interested students can learn more about the MAS ETH in Housing and ask questions directly to the programme director and staff.

ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, in front of the HIL building. © Dunja Richter, ETH Zurich

Information Event Master of Science in Landscape Architecture at ETH Zurich

2 March, 18.30 – 19:30 | Zoom. The Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich offers a two-year Master’s degree programme in Landscape Architecture with a focus on the design and planning of open spaces and landscapes.

Densification: Acceptance and Socio-Economic Effects of Urban Development

4 October, 17:15 – approx. 17:40 | Inaugural lecture David Kaufmann | ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, F 30 (Auditorium Maximum).


The View from the Car: Autopia as a New Perceptual Regime

30 March 2021 – 15 June 2021 Online exhibition | 15 September – 15 October 2021 Real space exhibition at the Baubibliothek, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg.

Toronto © David Kaufmann

Urban Policy Analysis: Theoretical and Empirical Developments: Call for Papers

Call for Papers by 29 January 2021. This is a call for papers for the panel Urban policy analysis: Theoretical and empirical developments that David Kaufmann (ETH Zürich) and Mara Sidney (Rutgers University) organize at the 5th International Conference on Public Policy in Barcelona from 6-8 July 2021.

ETH-EPFL Summer School: Transects Through Alpine Water Landscapes

16-21 August 2021 | Application deadline PROLONGED: 1 July  | Villa Cassel, 3987 Riederalp, Kanton Wallis.

Seminario in Bhuji, India, 2019 © MAS ETH in Housing

Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Housing

Bewerbungsfrist VERLÄNGERT: 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 2021, Kursstart: September 2021. Das MAS setzt sich zum Ziel, durch multidisziplinäre Ausbildung und Forschung auf hohem Niveau dazu beizutragen, Lösungen für die Herausforderungen des Wohnungsbaus in der Schweiz, in Europa sowie in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen weltweit zu Continua

Collage by Goda Budvytyte

Master of Advanced Studies ETH EPFL in Urban and Territorial Design

Call for applications PROLONGED until 30 June 2021. Urban and territorial design has acquired a new meaning and urgency. From drivers of progress to the source of planetary hazards, the impacts of cities and wider urbanisation processes are being recast in the public sphere. The critical examination of Continua

Architektur für einen Planeten in der Krise | Architecture for a Broken Planet

26.3.–29.8.2021 | ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich. «Critical Care» ist eine Ausstellung des Architekturzentrum Wien und wurde dort erstmals 2019 gezeigt.

disP 56/3, September 2020

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 56, Issue 3, September 2020 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

Projektstart: Digitale Nachbarschaften

Online-Tools für die nachbarschaftliche Vernetzung gewinnen weltweit an Popularität, nicht zuletzt seit Covid-19. Das interdisziplinäre SNF-Projekt «Digitale Nachbarschaften – Lokale Online-Räume und ihr Potenzial für soziale Inklusion» nimmt den Einfluss digitaler Netzwerke auf nachbarschaftliche Beziehungen unter die Lupe und identifiziert ihr Potenzial für eine inklusive Nachbarschaft. Damit soll Continua

Neue Gastdozentin Landschaftsarchitektur: Maren Brakebusch

Maren Brakebusch ist Gesamtbüroleiterin bei Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten und steht der Geschäftsleitung der vier Bürostandorte in Zürich, London, Berlin und Paris vor. Sie studierte Landschaftsarchitektur an der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Nebst Jury- und Vortragstätigkeiten unterrichtet sie seit 2017 Architekturstudierende an der School Of Architecture in Potsdam. An der ETH Zürich Continua

© Eveline Althaus, ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE

Generationenwohnen – von Erfahrungen innovativer Wohnprojekte lernen

Die Idee des Generationenwohnens hat heute hohe Konjunktur. Immer mehr Wohnprojekte setzen sich zum Ziel, das Zusammenleben und die Solidarität zwischen den Generationen zu fördern. Hierzu spielt Kommunikation eine zentrale Rolle und immer wieder gilt es zwischen unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu vermitteln. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt am ETH Wohnforum nimmt Continua

Aktualisierung Raum+ Kanton Obwalden

Raum+ schafft sachliche Grundlagen zur Übersicht von freien Baulandreserven. Im Kanton Obwalden wurde 2016 eine Ersterhebung durchgeführt. Im Sommer 2020 wurde der gesamte Perimeter aktualisiert. Dabei sind die Gespräche mit den Gemeindevertreter*innen ein zentraler Ansatz der Methode. Die aktualisierten Daten sind auf der Raum+-Plattform aufgeschaltet und stehen den Continua

The urban scale model of the project of Les Halles is presented to the public, Paris, 1968. (Photo by Georges Melet/Paris Match via Getty Images)

Exploring Urban Scale Models

Urban scale models are crucial for communicating urban design ideas between various stakeholders, from those directly involved in a project – e.g. client, developer, contractor, municipality – to the broader public. However, our knowledge about this tool is limited. Understanding the shifting role of urban design from the Continua

Beispiele für Pflanzentransfers des Botanischen Gartens Zürich von Amerika nach Europa im Zeitraum 1858 bis 1874. Die Sendungen wurden entweder in London verkauft oder weiter nach Zürich spediert. © Dunja Richter, ETH Zürich

Von San Francisco bis Moskau. Der Botanische Garten Zürich als ein Drehkreuz im globalen Pflanzenhandel des 19. Jahrhunderts

Wie gelang es dem Botanischen Garten der Universität Zürich, in einem Land ohne Häfen, Kolonien und fernab der grossen Gartenbauzentren, durch Handel und Austausch neue Pflanzen einzuführen, in der Gartenkultur zu verbreiten und sich als Akteur im globalen Pflanzenhandel des 19. Jahrhunderts zu profilieren? Damit beschäftigt sich die Continua

An example result of the optimization framework embedded in a decision support system. In the output map, the blue pixels represent the proposed new residential areas in Singapore that minimize loss of UES and maximize compactness. On the left hand side of the user interface, the iterations and the final trade-off curve are displayed. © Sergio Wicki

Participatory Multi-objective Optimization for Planning Dense and Green Cities

In many cities around the world, urban ecosystem services (UES) are under pressure. With a growing urban population, the pressure on UES in the remaining open spaces increases. The planning of new residential areas to accommodate urban dwellers increasingly requires the consideration of UES, especially when taking into Continua

3D DSS for Supporting the Planning of Electric Power Systems

In a cooperation between the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation (IKG) and the Chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) a 3D Decision Support System (3D DSS) has been developed as a communication tool to support the planning of power lines. Now the 3D DSS has Continua

Territories of potentials for Geneva region in 2050: bi-national metropolis (pink); global-local territories (dark magenta); post-fossil infrastructures (purple); metropolitan countryside (yellow); agri-landscape rooms (green); vital streams and canopies (blue); mountain parks (brown). © Team Grand Genève et son sol: ETH Zürich Architecture of Territory Prof. Milica Topalović, Uni.Lu FHSE Prof. Florian Hertweck, and Raumbureau Rolf Jenni. Cartography: Karoline Kostka and Nikos Katsikis. Illustration Karoline Kostka and Muriz Djurdjevic.

Bringing the Land Back into the City – Possibilities for Ecological Transition in Geneva

With a fast population increase and a high housing demand projected to continue in the coming decades, Geneva encounters a profound challenge. Since decades, the city has been spilling over across the national border. Urban growth and land consumption in the Canton and in the French part of Continua

Passengers’ thinking and actual delay in case of incomplete information of railway delays © IVT, ETH Zurich

Communicating Railway Delays and Adjusted Timetables: the Role of Incomplete Information to Passengers in Railway Operations

In case of railway delays, train operating companies update the planned timetable to the actual disturbed conditions to keep offering high quality services to travellers. Passengers face an adjusted service, and corrective actions (a disposition timetable). This communication is often assumed to be perfect, complete and immediate, which Continua

Marseille © 2019 ETH Zürich, Professur Günther Vogt

Master of Science ETH in Landschaftsarchitektur

Bewerbungsfrist: 1. Nov. – 15. Dez. 2021 & 1. – 30. April 2022

landscape landscape urbanism Teresa Gali-Izard

LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE URBANISM the garden of the XXI century

Teresa Gali-Izard: Michael Hough/Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Visiting Critic. 23 November, 18:00-19:00 Zurich time (12:00-13:00 eastern standard time) | Zoom registration. Landscape landscape urbanism is an inclusive approach to the construction of the human ecosystem. It translates the hidden potential of places and pursues a new relationship between living creatures, Continua

51N4E, A site meeting in Tirana, Albania, 2008. © 51N4E

The Things Around Us

16 September 2020 – 14 February 2021 | Exhibition | Canadian Centre for Architecture. Elements of the Design in Dialogue Lab of ETH’s NEWROPE Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation are exhibited at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal as part of ‘The Things Around Us’.

Rethinking Cities Series – Cooperative Housing for Slum Free Cities in India

11 November 2020, 13:30-15:00 | Webinar. Day 2: Learnings from Switzerland.

Urban Design and the Technological Shift in Transportation

18 November 2020 | Webinar | Time: 10:00–11:30. How can urban design steer the impacts of technological disruptions in the transport sector?

Luftbild Schlieren © Timon Furrer

Urbane Transformationen

Politik und Planung | Raum und Technologie | Design und Raumplanung

Online Lecture: ‘Social Housing and Urban Regeneration’ by Dr. Paul Watt

15. Oktober 2020, 16 Uhr | online Dr. Paul Watt, Professor of Urban Studies (Birkbeck, University of London) and editor of the book ‘Social Housing and Urban Renewal: A Cross-National Perspective’ will give an online lecture on ‘Social Housing and Urban Regeneration’. To join please follow this link: Continua

Baden im Kanton Aargau ist eine der untersuchten Städte in der Fallstudie. Bild: zvg

Diskussion: «Haushälterischer Umgang mit dem Boden in der Schweiz»

29. Oktober 2020, 16.30–18 Uhr | live-​streaming Die Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Abschluss des vierjährigen interdisziplinären SNF-​Projektes «Wie wachsen: Planung für eine ganzheitlich nachhaltige Landnutzung» nimmt Siedlungsstrukturen der Schweiz in den Blick und thematisiert die Bodennutzung der Schweiz. Ziel war es, ein Instrument für eine ganzheitlich nachhaltige Landnutzungs-​ und Siedlungsgestaltungsplanung Continua

Poster Athena Series

Athena Lecture Series: Auftakt mit Marwa Al-Sabouni

6. Oktober 2020, 18 Uhr | ETH Zentrum, online Marwa Al-Sabouni ist eine syrische Architektin und Autorin. Sie gilt als Expertin für den Wiederaufbau Syriens, führt zusammen mit ihrem Partner ein Architekturstudio in Homs und ist Mitbegründerin von www.arch-news.net, der weltweit ersten und einzigen Plattform, die Architektur-News in Continua

Urban Park closed under COVID-19 Pandemic at the canton of Zürich, Switzerland © Marcelo Galleguillos, ETH Zurich

Are Our Cities Green Enough in Times of a Pandemic?

Green city areas are under pressure. Compact cities aim to reduce land consumption outside cities, but densification puts pressure on urban green areas. Will the existing green areas suffice for the increased demand during pandemics such as COVID-19? Using recent mobility data before and during the pandemic, we Continua

Figure 1 – Empty offices due to the transition to home-office working mode, after the COVID-19 crisis (source: https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-remote-first-companies-are-another-covid-19-calamity/)

Flexible Office Space for the Age of Distributed Work

The potential large-scale transition from working in the office to working at home, is a massive uncertainty related to the future needs of office space in our cities. It is in the face of this uncertainty, that real estate developers must manage their portfolios. The use of the Continua

Paulownia – Resilient Trees for Mountainous Land Use?

Paulownia (Paulowniaceae) is one of the world’s fastest growing trees, originally introduced from Asia to Europe in the 17th century. Its wood is one of the lightest, while keeping high flexibility and stability, making it an ideal wood for regenerative composite constructions (a wood core sandwiched by fiber Continua

City of Marseille (thick red line), Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence (thin red line) and investigation perimeter (black dotted line) © Amalia Bonsack, chair Günther Vogt, ETH Zurich

Cities in Crisis: Shifting Perspective on the Metropolitan Landscapes in Marseille and Naples

The elective course «Territory of the city» focused on Marseille and Naples, two cities enduring long-term economic and social crises. Like other Mediterranean port cities, they are directly affected by global warming and face increasing threats of natural hazards. The recent creation of the «Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence» (2016) and the Continua

UTD19 Largest multi-city traffic dataset publically available

Largest Multi-city Traffic Dataset «UTD19» is now Publically Available!

Over the last four years, the Institute for Transportation Planning and Systems (IVT) at ETH Zurich and CITIES at NYU Abu Dhabi have gathered urban traffic data from over 40 cities worldwide, including London, Tokyo, and Zurich. In total, almost 5 billion vehicles covering a combined time span Continua

Luzern © Timon Furrer

Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Raumplanung 2021/23

Bewerbungsfrist: 1. Januar – 30. April 2021.

Master of Science ETH in Landschaftsarchitektur

Bewerbungsfrist: 31. März 2021

Territorial Design Poster

Architecture of Territory: Territorial Design in Histories, Theories and Projects

Lecture Series | 5 sessions on selected Thursdays, 10:00–12:00 | via Zoom. This lecture series sets up an agenda for widening the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism from their focus on the city, or the urban in the narrow sense, to wider territorial scales, which correspond to Continua

Planetary Urbanization: a Theory Seminar

Elective Course | Starting 25 September on Fridays, 14:00–16:00 | online. Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, Dr. Lindsay Blair Howe. Today, urbanization has achieved a planetary reach; novel patterns of urbanization are crystallizing across diverse environments, in agricultural areas, in the space of what may appear to be Continua