25. February, 10∶00 – 16∶00 | Colloquium | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL Archena.
On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition ‹Built from Dust›, a group of scholars and artists will meet the curators to critically discuss the past, present, and future of various Afropoli. Invited guests include Younes Benslimane, M’Barek Bouhchichi, Kenny Cupers, Sara Frikech, Lungiswa Gqunta, Hannah le Roux, Morad Montazami, Alexander Cyrus Poulikakos, Nadya Rouizem Labied, Giulia Scotto, and Ola Uduku.
Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture
History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete
gta Exhibitions | Institute of Urban Landscape (IUL), ZHAW School of Archi- tecture, Design and Civil Engineering | Mémoire des architectes modernes marocains (MAMMA)
Contact: Lahbib El Moumni