Keep it Living

17 March 2022, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E 7. Lecturers: Tessa Peters, Director of Crop Stewardship, The Land Institute & Bonnie-Kate Walker, Research Associate, Chair of Being Alive.

Call for Papers: RC21 2022

Deadline: 31 January 2022 | Conference: 24-26 August in Athens, Greece. Panel 26 Peripheralisation: The production of ex-centric places as an ordinary process of extended urbanisation. Conveners: Christian Schmid, Metaxia Markaki | ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Optimistic Suburbia 2 – Middle-class Large Housing Complexes

17 June, 16:30 (Lisbon, Portugal/GMT+1 | Online & face-to-face) | International Conference. Session 3 ‘Publicness in middle-class large housing complexes as a new way to examine the premises of cultural encounters and social integration’ Liv Christensen and Eveline Althaus. Language: English Registration necessary Further informationen and programme Optimistic Continua

«Geographies of Age» Altersfreundliche Lebensräume in der Stadt

2. Juni 2021, 16:30 – 17:30 | Online. «Altersfreundliche Stadtquartiere: Was bedeutet das in der Praxis? Die Kulturwissenschaftlerin Liv Christensen des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE spricht im Rahmen der Impuls Mobilität-Veranstaltung «Planen für Jung und Alt» über den Zugang älterer Menschen zu städtischem Leben. Sprache: Deutsch Hinweise: Die Continua

Athena Lecture Series

10 March 2021, 18:00–19:30 | Alexandra Lange: «Looking for Role Models in All the Wrong Places». ETH CASE organizes in collaboration with the Parity-​ and Diversity Group of DARCH a series of lectures by internationally recognized designers and scholars in the field of urban studies, architecture, urban design, Continua

LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE URBANISM the garden of the XXI century

Teresa Gali-Izard: Michael Hough/Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Visiting Critic. 23 November, 18:00-19:00 Zurich time (12:00-13:00 eastern standard time) | Zoom registration. Landscape landscape urbanism is an inclusive approach to the construction of the human ecosystem. It translates the hidden potential of places and pursues a new relationship between living creatures, Continua