Department / Institute: Dipartimento di Architettura (D-ARCH)
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2010
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2009
EPFL ETH Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design
MAS Raumentwicklung & CAS Raumentwicklung und Planungspraxis
LUS Doctoral Crits Spring 2025
The Global Turn: Six Journeys of Architecture and the City, 1945 –1989
Diversifying the Architectural Canon with «Crossed Histories»
ARCHITEKTUREN DER FAMILIE – Dynamiken des Zusammenlebens und Anforderungen an den Wohnungsmarkt
Rebuilding Everyday Life: Housing Practices in Urban China
2 + 2 + 1 Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur
Three doctoral theses from D-ARCH honoured with ETH Medal
During the doctoral awards ceremony on 24 January 2025, Matthew Critchley, Rune Frandsen and Kam-Ming Mark Tam received a Silver Medal for outstanding doctoral theses. Rune Frandsen, who is currently working as Scientific Collaborator at Bundesamt für Kultur BAK, receives an ETH Medal for his doctorate, that he Continua
Planetary Urbanisation and the 21st Century Agrarian Question
Global Theories of Urban Design
Built from Dust: Earth, Soil and the Modern Afropolis
Built from Dust: Engaging with Modern Afropoli
Sessions on Territory – Agency: Architecture in the Civil Service
100 Ideas for the Western Balkans: Belgrade Underground Opening
InternationaI Cooperation Forum Switzerland
Review of DELUS Journal for Landscape and Urban Studies: Chasing Water
The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies is young and evolving. While it builds on a rich research history across various chairs, its identity still continues to take shape through its doctoral community, lecture series, and biannual research colloquia. In this context, it is particularly noteworthy that the Continua
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture
Wohnen erforschen. Qualitative Methoden und forschungspraktische Reflexionen
Final Reviews Voser, Landscape Architecture: transizioni
Doctoral Fellowship in Landscape and Urban Studies
LUS Doctoral Crits HS24
Transhumance Urbanism as an Urban Otherwise: Inhabiting Agrarian Incompletion at the Intersections of Extended Urbanisation-Extended Ruralisation
Amid the ongoing transformation of agrarian territories in peripheral geographies across the world through extended urbanisation, this paper delves into the persistence of peasant and pastoral strategies amidst the closing down effects of land enclosure and fragmentation.
New Ruralities (NERU)
New Ruralities (NERU) is an Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships programme, which brings together six design units within the universities of ULB (Brussels), POLITO (Torino), UDC (La Coruña), UMinho (Braga), UACEG (Sofia) and ETH (Zürich). The Newrope chair is participating on behalf of ETH. The partnership’s aim is to generate Continua
History and Theory of Architecture VIII: Seen from the South
A new core theory course for master’s students taught for the third time in spring 2025 argues that the list of ‘great’ cities needs to be rethought. Given the diversity of urbanisms around the world, it would be a disservice to limit one’s perspective to theoretical notions originating Continua
Behind Closed Doors
Spaces of global production are formed by a diverse set of spatial figures that result from and support a global division of labor. Spaces of global production include multinational manufacturing networks, industrial agglomerations, plantations, logistics corridors, and special economic zones.
Awaska Alpa_Woven Territory
14.10.2023–14.01.2024 | Exhibition | Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Awaska Alpa is a research project that critically explores the representation of Inga territory in the Andean Amazon of Colombia. During colonial times, the Spanish crown established the Indigenous resguardo (reserve) as a form of collective land tenure to “protect,” Continua
Wanderausstellung und Podium «10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften»
Conservación de la naturaleza y territorios indígenas: en transición de lo biológico a lo biocultural
Durante las dos últimas semanas de octubre de 2024 se celebró en Colombia la 16ª Conferencia de las Partes del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (COP16). La ciudad de Cali se convirtió en el principal escenario de esfuerzos intergubernamentales para proteger la naturaleza. Un resultado clave de la Continua
DELUS Issue 1
Developing a Unity-based Tool to Integrate Sound into Landscape Design and Evaluation
The acoustic quality of outdoor spaces is receiving increasing attention in planning and design disciplines. Yet, it is very difficult for non-experts in acoustics to include the effects of landscape changes on the so-called soundscape in their daily work. In the Innovedum project «Unity App for Soundscape Design Continua
Creating a Situated and Multilayered Understanding of Global Production Space Through Collective Interventions
Rooted in the tension between concrete locations and global networks, between movement and stillness, space and place, and between clusters and dispersed zones, global production landscapes are challenging to understand. Where do these production spaces originate? Who owns, designs, and manages them? Due to the opaque nature of Continua
Digitale Zwillinge für unsere Städte
DAM Book Award 2024 for «Researching Otherwise»
Multi-disciplinarity is on the agenda for the contemporary architectural debate, and Researching Otherwise – edited by ETH-based scholar Nitin Bathla – takes a broad look at the topic. Divided into three chapters dedicated to transdisciplinary, sensory, and restitutive methods, the book presents pluriversal research projects, which range from Continua
Open House Westhof «Architekturen des Zusammenlebens – Small Talk!», Architekturführung im Anschluss
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board: Video and Manifesto now online!
Did you miss the NSL Forum and Cycling Research Board «Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility», on September 4th? The video link is now available on the event website! In addition, for a quick read and an overview of the workshops, you can download the «Collective Manifesto for Continua
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials 2025
Call for Papers: Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25)
We are thrilled to announce the Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25), which will be held from June 25 to 27, 2025 in Zürich. The conference topic is “Shaping Tomorrow: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment”. Releasing over 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consuming over 40% of Continua
Brasilândia Design Studio at University of St. Gallen Latin America Week
Transitioning to Sustainable Cities and Communities
The publication features scholarly articles and interviews from leading experts working in various fields anchored in urban design and architecture. Each piece in the volume addresses the challenges and opportunities prompted by the SDG11, and by extension, the climate crisis. As a whole, the volume illuminates and showcases Continua
Call for Papers: NSL Colloquium 2024: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
The NSL Colloquium will take place February 26-28 2025 at ETH Zürich and publishes an open call for submissions until November 8, 2024. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that Continua
Against wastelanding: distributed design at the pace of soil in the Conca de Barberà
Was braucht heute die Schweizer Landschaft? Interview mit Martina Voser
Martina Voser ist seit 2021 Gastprofessorin an der ETH Zürich, Ende 2023 wurde sie zur ordentlichen Professorin für Landschaftsarchitektur berufen. Sie spricht von den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die der Schweizer Landschaft bevorstehen, und dass ihre Professur zusammen mit der öffentlichen Hand und der Fachwelt die nötigen Transformationsprozesse entwickeln kann.