NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board

Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility 4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks Continua

Empowering the Next Generation: Illustrating Landscape Systems by Computation

Landscape systems are intricate and challenging to illustrate effectively. The BeingAliveLanguage, a groundbreaking software integrated into Rhino/Grasshopper, revolutionizes the visualization of soil-centric information. Developed by ETH Zurich’s “Chair of Being Alive,” this tool empowers designers and planners to create expressive, automated illustrations that support decision-making processes.

«Das Bild der Heidi-​Schweiz wird sich verändern und es wird neue Naturen geben»

Der Klimawandel bedeutet mehr Bergstütze und Überschwemmungen. Wie die Landschaftsarchitektur darauf reagieren kann, untersucht die ETH-​Professorin Martina Voser im Sandkasten, am Computer und im Dialog mit der Bevölkerung.

«Der Begriff der alpinen Brache war eine Provokation»

Der Soziologieprofessor Christian Schmid wird dieses Jahr emeritiert. Im Interview mit Andres Herzog blickt er zurück auf seine Zeit am ETH Studio Basel, das mit dem Buch «Die Schweiz: ein städtebauliches Porträt» für Diskussionen gesorgt hat und dessen Publikationen ab Mai als Open Access online frei zugänglich sind.

Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS)

The Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) aims to support the modernisation of the integrated urban planning system in Sarajevo Canton, and the creation of better conditions for sustainable climate resilient socio-economic development. The project is supported by the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and corresponds with Switzerland’s foreign policy strategy Continua

LUS Doctoral Crits AS 2024 & Book Launch

30. May 2024, 12:30 – 18:45 | ETH Zurich, ONA, DiD.

ReHousIn: percorsi contestualizzati per ridurre le disuguaglianze abitative nella transizione verde e digitale

Insieme a dieci partner europei, l’ETH Wohnforum e lo SPUR dell’ETH di Zurigo stanno studiando la complessa relazione tra le iniziative di transizione verde e le diseguaglianze abitative in contesti urbani e rurali in dieci paesi europei, tra cui la Svizzera. Il progetto ReHousIn del programma Horizon Europe Continua

Ramification. Eine Ausstellung zur zeitgenössischen Landschaftsarchitektur

Vernissage: 20. April 2024 ab 17 Uhr. Ausstellung: 21. April bis 07. Juli 2024.

DELUS Issue 1

Il numero pilota di DELUS è stato presentato presso ONA DiD Lab nell’autunno del 2023. Offre una varietà di spunti diversi relativi a questioni urbane e legate al paesaggio. Presenta metodi nuovi per decifrare svariati mondi e narrare storie variegate. I contributi spaziano dallo svisceramento di storie di Continua

Giardino del XXI secolo di Tiltil, Cile

Il giardino situato a Huertos Familiares a Tiltil (Cile) studia come la modifica del suolo attraverso i cambiamenti delle pratiche di gestione della terra possa creare potenzialità ecologiche e sociali all’interno della comunità e gettare le basi per la nascita di un nuovo tipo di giardino pubblico in Continua

Giardino del XXI secolo di New Orleans, Stati Uniti

Il giardino è ubicato nel Lower Ninth Ward di New Orleans, un quartiere che nel 2005 ha subito ingenti danni a causa dell’uragano Katrina, il più grave disastro meteorologico che abbia colpito la città. È formato da cinque lotti residenziali interconnessi da 10 x 40 m ciascuno, su Continua

Giardino del XXI secolo di Zurigo, Svizzera

Il Giardino del XXI secolo di Zurigo si trova al limite settentrionale del Campus Hönggerberg, direttamente di fianco all’edificio HIT. Tre lati sono delimitati da strade e il quarto da un asilo nido. Con un’area di circa 1.000 m2 e una forma rettangolare di 30 x 40 m, Continua

Giardino del XXI secolo di Senan, Spagna

Nell’ambito della ricerca sul Giardino del XXI secolo, il progetto di Senan (Spagna) indaga come una semplice pratica di modifica del suolo basata sull’attenta gestione della brucatura da parte di cavalli possa creare potenzialità ecologiche e sociali in una zona rurale con scarse risorse. Attraverso la pratica rigenerativa Continua

Giardino del XXI secolo di Baldomar, Spagna

Il 15 giugno 2022 un incendio ha distrutto 2.683 ettari di boschi e terreni agricoli intorno ai paesi di La Clua de Maià e Alos de Balaguer nel comune di Baldomà, una regione di La Noguera a nord della Catalogna (Spagna). Preoccupati per l’intensità dell’incendio e la trasformazione Continua

Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard | Chair of Being Alive

Teresa Galí-Izard è professoressa della Chair of Being Alive, direttrice del Master in Architettura del paesaggio dell’ETH nonché dirigente di Arquitectura Agronomia, uno studio di architettura del paesaggio con sede a Barcellona. Teresa è autrice di “The Same Landscapes. Ideas and interpretations” e si è formata come agronoma presso l’Università politecnica della Catalogna.

DELUS Cover Issue 1

DELUS è nata nel 2021 da una visione comune di Sara Frikech e Johanna Just, borsiste di dottorato del LUS, con l’obiettivo di mettere in evidenza gli sforzi dell’Istituto nel campo della ricerca e creare una piattaforma per intavolare dibattiti su questioni incalzanti nell’ambito degli studi urbani e del paesaggio.

Collocandosi all’intersezione tra studi urbani, architettonici e del paesaggio, DELUS intende diventare una piattaforma di confronto. Si interessa alla ricerca svolta presso il LUS e molto oltre, mettendo in comunicazione progettisti, scienziati, studiosi e studenti, occupandosi di questioni urbane e dell’ambito del paesaggio e dando risalto a tematiche, concetti e progetti emergenti in tali campi.

DELUS Issues
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Master of Science in Landscape Architecture

Applications until 30 April for autumn 2024. The Master‘s degree programme in Landscape Architecture is aimed at students with a Bachelor‘s degree in architecture or landscape architecture from a university or Swiss University of Applied Sciences with at least 180 ECTS or equivalent.

10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften – Eine Tour rund um den Idaplatz

24. September 2024, 18:15–19:15 | Öffentliche Führung | Zürich, Kreis 3.

MEHR WOHNRAUM IN STÄDTEN – Wie gelingt die innere Verdichtung?

24. Mai 2024, 09:00–17:00 (Anmeldeschluss 13. Mai) | ETH Forum Wohnungsbau | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Auditorium Maximum (HG F 30).

ETH STUDIO BASEL Open Access: Public Launch

7 May 2024, 16:00–19:00 | with Apéro | ETH Zürich, main building, HG F30 Audimax.

Abschlussvorlesung / Final Lecture Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid: No Condition is Permanent

2 May 2024, 18:15–19:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3.


30. April – 16. Mai 2024 | Plakatausstellung | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL D Foyer. 17. Mai – 30. Mai 2024 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, HG E 4.

2 + 2 + 1 A Collective Discussion on the Role of Landscape Architecture

16 April 2024, 18:30 | Zürich, Langstr. 200, L 200.

Meaningful Careers: Built Environment Professionals in Humanitarian Aid

14 March 2024, 16:00–18:00 | Information exchange with reconstruction experts | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIB 52, Open Space.

100 Ideas for the Western Balkans: Designing Urban Imaginaries

11 March – 8 April 2024 | Exhibition | Tirana, Albania, Pyramid of Tirana.

Anna Pagani «On housing justice: let’s talk about fixes that fail»

7 March 2024, 18:15 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 3.

Die 10-Millionen-Schweiz: Platz für alle?

3. März 2024, 13:00–13:45 | Treffpunkt Science City | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HCI, Raum G3.

Sessions on Territory – Climate Anxiety and Mobilizing in Crisis: CLIMATE

26.2. / 04.3. / 25.3. / 06.5. / 15.5. / 22.5. 2024 | 18:00–20:00 | Public debates | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E25 DID Lab.

Spielraum & Öffentlicher Raum (lecture) | Public Space: The Real and the Ideal (journal presentation)

21 February 2024, 17:30–19:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 4.

The Agrarian Question: From Colonialism to Urban Agriculture

on Thursdays, spring semester 2024, 15:45-17:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL D 10.2

NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board

4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. VIDEO NOW ONLINE! Today’s design reflects a car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs that Continua

NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board

4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs which emphasize the micro-mobility. Continua

Martina Voser zur ordentlichen Professorin für Landschaftsarchitektur ernannt

Martina Voser (mavo Landschaften gmbh) gilt als eine der anerkanntesten Akteurinnen in der Schweizer Landschaftsarchitekturszene und wurde für ihre Arbeiten mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Ihre Projekte sind nicht nur konzeptionell fundiert und visuell beeindruckend, sondern auch sozial und ökologisch motiviert. Nebst ihren herausragenden Verdiensten in der Praxis prägt sie seit Continua

LUS Doctoral Crits

15 December 2023, 13:30 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, ONA G41, Neunbrunnenstr. 50.

NSL Colloquium Planetary Urbanisation: Video now Online!

You missed the keynote speech of Roberto Luís Monte-Mór about extended urbanisation in the Brazilian Amazonia? Or you would like to pick and see one of the panels only? The choice is: New Urban Vocabularies, Concepts of Extended Urbanisation, Agrarian Urbanisms, Urban Design and Territories of Extended Urbanisation, Continua

Listening In: Conversations on Architectures, Cities and Landscapes, 1700-1900 – Programme and Abstracts

Who do we listen to when we write histories of architectures, cities, and landscapes?

Codes and Conventions for Future Zurich: A Propositional Planning Approach to Qualitative Densification

This 4-year project uniquely combines historical and design-led research to explore urban strategies for housing the anticipated 25% population increase that Zurich is facing in the next 20 years. A ‘retroactive analysis’ of the historical evolution of building codes, as well as of the specific urban types and Continua

Extended Urbanisation. Tracing Planetary Struggles NOW OPEN ACCESS DOWNLOAD!

One year after the first publication by Birkhäuser, the book is now available for download in the open access version.

Vocabularies for an Urbanising Planet: Theory Building through Comparison NOW OPEN ACCESS DOWNLOAD

One year after the first publication by Birkhäuser, the book is now available for download in the open access version.

City of Codes

The city of Zurich is a testament to the incredible power of urban codes and their influence on urban form. From the mid-nineteenth onwards, these codes, such as building laws, norms, standards, or even municipal constitutions, shaped and reshaped the city into what it is today. The research Continua

Verfechter des öffentlichen Raums

Günther Vogt ist einer der gefragtesten Landschaftsarchitekten unserer Zeit. Er hat eine ganze Generation von Architektinnen und Architekten für den öffentlichen Raum sensibilisiert. Nach 18 Jahren als ETH-​Professor wurde er nun emeritiert.

The Great Repair: Praktiken der Reparatur (DE/EN)

The Great Repair is an oxymoron. the title captures the convergence of two seemingly contradictory principles: the revolutionary ambition for systemic change and the evolutionary act of repair. Despite the justified (postmodern) skepticism toward revolution as a concept of rupture, we must not abandon our aspiration to bring about Continua

COLLECTIVE WORKSHOP Transformational Encounters in the Trakia Economic Zone

This article is a reflection on an action research project with stakeholders of a special economic zone in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The article describes the process of engagement from the perspective of the workers and the managers of three international factories, with the aim to discover moments and entry Continua

Community-led Landscape Restoration 2024: Call for Applications

Application deadline: 10 February 2024 | Working sessions: 7 March, June, September, December 2024. The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) at ETH Zurich is delighted to announce the Community-led Landscape Restoration 2024 working group, a transdisciplinary series open to citizen groups, activists, academic researchers, and policy Continua

Biocultural Cartographies

24 & 25 November 2023 | talk & walk | Zürich.

Prof. Maria Conen und Prof. Dr. Elli Mosayebi erneuern das Direktorium des ETH Wohnforum

Die Departementsleitung Architektur der ETH Zürich hat Prof. Maria Conen und Prof. Dr. Elli Mosayebi ins Leitungsgremium des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE gewählt. Sie treten ihre Position am 1. November 2023 als Nachfolgerinnen von Prof. Hubert Klumpner und Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, langjährige Mitglieder des Direktoriums, an.

Urban Research Seminar

29.11.2023, 12:00 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 35.1. Urban Research Seminar is a new initiative hosted by D-BAUG with the aim of building a bottom-up network that brings together early career researchers and their ongoing urban research projects across ETH Zürich.

NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes

26. – 28. February 2025, ETH Zürich Hönggerberg and Zentrum. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that attempt to maintain otherwise.

More Than Human Cinema

7.11. | ETH Zürich Hönggerberg and L200, Zürich. Featuring innovative experimental documentaries reflecting on various aspects of the built environment, this film series will take place over three dates across the Autumn 2023 Semester.

Planetary Urbanisation – Aufruf zur Tat | Agrifutures Zürich – Agrarökologisches Gestalten

Ausstellung: 6. Okt – 17. Dez 2023 | ZAZ BELLERIVE, Zentrum Architektur Zürich, Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich.