Department / Institute: Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman
Increasing realism in modelling energy losses in railway vehicles and their impact to energy-efficient train control
The reduction of energy consumption is an increasingly important topic of the railway system. Energy-efficient train control (EETC) is one solution, which refers to mathematically computing when to accelerate, which cruising speed to hold, how long one should coast over a suitable space, and when to brake.
Increasing Realism in Modelling Energy Losses in Railway Vehicles
Developing and Extending Status Prediction Models for Railway Tracks Based on On-Board Monitoring Data
Explainable Train Delay Propagation: A Graph Attention Network Approach
Maintenance and Advanced Analytics in Railways
On-Board Monitoring techniques, defined as using commercial trains to monitor the track status, have garnered much attention recently. While data come in relatively low quality, OBM is a low-cost and efficient alternative to traditional monitoring methods. Thus, funded by the ETH Mobility Initiative project OMISM, this study checks Continua
How will the railway look like in 2050? A survey of experts on technologies, challenges and opportunities for the railway system
The railway system can fulfil society’s current and future transportation goals; compared to other transport modes, it does that with high energy, space and resource efficiency. It can deliver high-quality transport services, superior speed, safety and comfort to most competing modes. Nevertheless, its share of the total traffic Continua
How Will the Railway Look Like in 2050?
CSFM Seminar: New Regulations on Autonomous Vehicles for Switzerland
E-Bike City: Nur noch die Hälfte der Strassen für die Autos
E-Bike City
E-Bike City è un progetto faro del Dipartimento di ingegneria civile, ambientale e geomatica (D-BAUG) dell’ETH di Zurigo. Nei prossimi tre anni sette cattedre studieranno congiuntamente le ripercussioni di un futuro urbano che conferisce la massima priorità a biciclette, micromobilità e trasporti pubblici. Principi Priorità a biciclette e Continua
Advances in Transportation & Mobility Planning
Sustainable Future Mobility Symposium: CSFM’23
hEART 2023 – 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
E-Bike City Kolloquium
8. Juni 2023, 9:00 – 18:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Audimax. An diesem Kolloquium werden die sieben Forschungsgruppen des D-BAUG Leuchtturmprojekts «E-Bike City» nicht nur ihre vorläufigen Ergebnisse präsentieren, sondern auch die Teilnehmenden aktiv in die Gestaltung der Forschungsfragen einbeziehen.
Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman zum ausserordentlichen Professor für Transportsysteme befördert
Will E-Bikes Bring Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
ETH Zurich – Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
6 May 2022, registration deadline 15. April 2022, 08:00 | Kick-off Symposium | ETH Zürich, Centre, HG E3. The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) has been established at ETH Zurich in order to promote research on sustainable and future-proof traffic and transport systems.
CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
COVID-19 as a Window of Opportunity for Cycling: Evidence from the First Wave.
Neues Center für nachhaltige Mobilität der Zukunft lanciert
Zukunftsfähige Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme sind gefragt, die das Ziel unterstützen, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 auf Netto Null zu senken und erneuerbare Energiequellen zu nutzen. Die ETH-Schulleitung hat der Gründung des neuen «Center for Sustainable Future Mobility» (CSFM) als Kompetenzzentrum der ETH Zürich zugestimmt und eine Anschubfinanzierung für vier Continua
Infoveranstaltung CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
The Role of Information to Passengers in Public Transport Disruptions
During public transport disruptions, the performance of the public transport network is degraded due to unexpected events, resulting in delays and inconvenience for passengers. Therefore, the infrastructure managers and operating companies typically generate a new public transport timetable, called disposition timetable, to reduce passengers’ delays, thereby limiting a Continua
Communicating Railway Delays and Adjusted Timetables: the Role of Incomplete Information to Passengers in Railway Operations
In case of railway delays, train operating companies update the planned timetable to the actual disturbed conditions to keep offering high quality services to travellers. Passengers face an adjusted service, and corrective actions (a disposition timetable). This communication is often assumed to be perfect, complete and immediate, which Continua
Largest Multi-city Traffic Dataset «UTD19» is now Publically Available!
Over the last four years, the Institute for Transportation Planning and Systems (IVT) at ETH Zurich and CITIES at NYU Abu Dhabi have gathered urban traffic data from over 40 cities worldwide, including London, Tokyo, and Zurich. In total, almost 5 billion vehicles covering a combined time span Continua
The role of information availability to passengers in public transport disruptions: An agent-based simulation approach
In public transport disruptions, a key relation between the services of operating company and passengers’ satisfaction is the disseminated information. This paper proposes rigorous mathematical descriptions to describe the effects of information availability to passengers, including the user equilibrium and non-equilibrium solutions.
POSTPONED: 7th SCCER Mobility Annual Conference
23 November 2020 (tentative) | ETH Zurich. As 7 years of SCCER Mobility slowly draw to an end, we invite you to this conference to present a synthesis of the competence center, to review the most relevant research results of each capacity area and conclude with an outlook on Continua
CAS/DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen ab Herbst 2021
nextRail19: Agile models for railway system planners and managers
12.-14. September 2019 | Internationale Bahn- und Mobilitätstagung | ETH Campus in Zürich. Diese Tagung wird erneut ein breites internationales Publikum von Wissenschaftlern, Entscheidungsträgerinnen, und Fachleuten aus den Bereichen Bahn und Mobilität anziehen. Die Tagung wird im bewährten Format weitergeführt: Symposium (Donnerstag), Seminare (Freitag), gefolgt von einem technischen Ausflug Continua
Mobility Webinar Series, Spring 2019
11. April and 16. May 2019. SCCER Mobility Young Talent Development Program. Seminar series as a platform for young scientists to present their research projects related to Mobility. Further events from the SCCER are also forthcoming, including a Start-up and Entrepreneurship Workshop. Flyer
ETH Mobility Initiative
ETH Zurich has launched the ETH Mobility Initiative together with the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) as first partner to further expand research and education in the area of mobility. The call for new partners and proposals is now open. Within this framework, a long-term research programme is being established Continua
SMARTIES: Scheduling Methods for Automated Railway Timetabling Improving the Efficiency of Smartrail [Metodi di programmazione per orari ferroviari automatizzati volti a migliorare l’efficienza di Smartrail]
Secondo le previsioni, in futuro la domanda di trasporto pubblico è destinata a crescere in modo significativo. Per gestire questo aumento, le Ferrovie Federali Svizzere FFS hanno lanciato il programma SmartRail 4.0, nel cui ambito la capacità della rete ferroviaria svizzera sarà aumentata fino al 30%. Generalmente modifiche Continua
Towards Autonomous Driving Trains in Mixed Traffic Networks: Setups and Optimization Methods for Energy Efficient Driving and Integration into Traffic Management Systems [Verso treni a guida autonoma in reti a traffico misto: sviluppo e ottimizzazione di metodi per una guida efficiente dal punto di vista energetico e per l’integrazione in sistemi per la gestione del traffico]
Durante la guida del treno, gli obiettivi principali del macchinista sono garantire la sicurezza, rispettare l’orario del servizio e, se questi sono soddisfatti, migliorare l’efficienza energetica del servizio e il comfort dei passeggeri, rispettando al tempo stesso le procedure operative standard stabilite dalle imprese ferroviarie. Una circolazione di Continua
OMISM On board Monitoring for Integrated Systems Understanding & Management Improvement in Railways [Monitoraggio di bordo per la comprensione di sistemi integrati e il miglioramento della gestione delle ferrovie]
Comprendere cosa misurare, e come modellarlo, per fornire valore aggiunto alla manutenzione predittiva ferroviaria L’obiettivo di questo progetto è cambiare l’attuale paradigma di monitoraggio e valutazione delle condizioni delle ferrovie. La presente proposta mira a comprendere il potenziale di utilizzo dei dati di misurazione di bordo ottenuti in Continua
Smarte Züge ohne Lokführer
Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman | Sistemi di trasporto
Francesco Corman è professore di Sistemi di trasporto presso l’Istituto per la pianificazione del traffico e per i sistemi di trasporto (IVT). Dopo aver insegnato presso l’Università tecnica di Delft e l’Università di Leuven, è diventato docente al Politecnico federale di Zurigo nel 2017. I suoi principali campi di ricerca includono l’esercizio e il controllo dei sistemi di trasporto pubblico, la gestione, la logistica e la manutenzione del traffico ferroviario.
DADA: Dynamic Data Driven Approaches for Stochastic Delay Propagation Avoidance in Railways [Approcci dinamici basati sui dati per evitare la propagazione stocastica del ritardo nelle ferrovie]
Ridurre i ritardi ferroviari, la loro variabilità e propagazione, considerando l’esercizio come un processo stocastico e considerando esplicitamente i ritardi attuali e possibili in futuro. L’obiettivo di questo progetto è sviluppare un insieme di approcci algoritmici interconnessi che migliorino l’esercizio ferroviario attraverso il coordinamento del traffico in tempo Continua
Current Challenges for Logistics
You missed this NSL colloquium on 14 May? The film recording is now online! Logistics and mobility of goods is facing relevant substantial challenges, which are mostly invisible to users, differently from the challenges of personal mobility, such as delays, traffic jams, etc, which we witness daily. This Continua