Department / Institute: Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Review of DELUS Journal for Landscape and Urban Studies: Chasing Water
The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies is young and evolving. While it builds on a rich research history across various chairs, its identity still continues to take shape through its doctoral community, lecture series, and biannual research colloquia. In this context, it is particularly noteworthy that the Continua
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture
Doctoral Fellowship in Landscape and Urban Studies
LUS Doctoral Crits HS24
DELUS Issue 1
Call for Papers: NSL Colloquium 2024: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
The NSL Colloquium will take place February 26-28 2025 at ETH Zürich and publishes an open call for submissions until November 8, 2024. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that Continua
Against wastelanding: distributed design at the pace of soil in the Conca de Barberà
Teresa Galí-Izard für Schelling Architekturpreise nominiert
Empowering the Next Generation: Illustrating Landscape Systems by Computation
Landscape systems are intricate and challenging to illustrate effectively. The BeingAliveLanguage, a groundbreaking software integrated into Rhino/Grasshopper, revolutionizes the visualization of soil-centric information. Developed by ETH Zurich’s “Chair of Being Alive,” this tool empowers designers and planners to create expressive, automated illustrations that support decision-making processes.
LUS Doctoral Crits AS 2024 & Book Launch
Ramification. Eine Ausstellung zur zeitgenössischen Landschaftsarchitektur
DELUS Issue 0
Il numero pilota di DELUS è stato presentato presso ONA DiD Lab nell’autunno del 2023. Offre una varietà di spunti diversi relativi a questioni urbane e legate al paesaggio. Presenta metodi nuovi per decifrare svariati mondi e narrare storie variegate. I contributi spaziano dallo svisceramento di storie di Continua
Giardino del XXI secolo di Tiltil, Cile
Il giardino situato a Huertos Familiares a Tiltil (Cile) studia come la modifica del suolo attraverso i cambiamenti delle pratiche di gestione della terra possa creare potenzialità ecologiche e sociali all’interno della comunità e gettare le basi per la nascita di un nuovo tipo di giardino pubblico in Continua
Giardino del XXI secolo di New Orleans, Stati Uniti
Il giardino è ubicato nel Lower Ninth Ward di New Orleans, un quartiere che nel 2005 ha subito ingenti danni a causa dell’uragano Katrina, il più grave disastro meteorologico che abbia colpito la città. È formato da cinque lotti residenziali interconnessi da 10 x 40 m ciascuno, su Continua
Giardino del XXI secolo di Zurigo, Svizzera
Il Giardino del XXI secolo di Zurigo si trova al limite settentrionale del Campus Hönggerberg, direttamente di fianco all’edificio HIT. Tre lati sono delimitati da strade e il quarto da un asilo nido. Con un’area di circa 1.000 m2 e una forma rettangolare di 30 x 40 m, Continua
Giardino del XXI secolo di Senan, Spagna
Nell’ambito della ricerca sul Giardino del XXI secolo, il progetto di Senan (Spagna) indaga come una semplice pratica di modifica del suolo basata sull’attenta gestione della brucatura da parte di cavalli possa creare potenzialità ecologiche e sociali in una zona rurale con scarse risorse. Attraverso la pratica rigenerativa Continua
Giardino del XXI secolo di Baldomar, Spagna
Il 15 giugno 2022 un incendio ha distrutto 2.683 ettari di boschi e terreni agricoli intorno ai paesi di La Clua de Maià e Alos de Balaguer nel comune di Baldomà, una regione di La Noguera a nord della Catalogna (Spagna). Preoccupati per l’intensità dell’incendio e la trasformazione Continua
Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard | Chair of Being Alive
Teresa Galí-Izard è professoressa della Chair of Being Alive, direttrice del Master in Architettura del paesaggio dell’ETH nonché dirigente di Arquitectura Agronomia, uno studio di architettura del paesaggio con sede a Barcellona. Teresa è autrice di “The Same Landscapes. Ideas and interpretations” e si è formata come agronoma presso l’Università politecnica della Catalogna.
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture
Applications until 30 April for autumn 2024. The Master‘s degree programme in Landscape Architecture is aimed at students with a Bachelor‘s degree in architecture or landscape architecture from a university or Swiss University of Applied Sciences with at least 180 ECTS or equivalent.
LUS Doctoral Crits
Community-led Landscape Restoration 2024: Call for Applications
Application deadline: 10 February 2024 | Working sessions: 7 March, June, September, December 2024. The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) at ETH Zurich is delighted to announce the Community-led Landscape Restoration 2024 working group, a transdisciplinary series open to citizen groups, activists, academic researchers, and policy Continua
NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
26. – 28. February 2025, ETH Zürich Hönggerberg and Zentrum. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that attempt to maintain otherwise.
More Than Human Cinema
Peeling out the Details of Chestnuts in Castasegna, Bregaglia, Switzerland
The landscapes dominated by chestnut trees in the southern alpine valleys are among the traditional agroforestry systems of Switzerland and have long been the main source of food for the local population. These complex socio-ecological systems provide a great learning space for landscape architects and planners, as chestnut Continua
LUS Talks 2023
Lively Cities
Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methods for Landscape and Urban Research
Landschaftstadt Zürich. Überlappen Verbinden Öffnen – eine Bildersuche
More Than Human Cinema: The Two Sights
Mutualisms – Interactions with Benefits
Guest Lecture + Q & A, 20 April, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E7. Pere Fraga i Arguimbau: Gardener and Botanist from Menorca, Spain. «You can’t garden without knowing how plants relate to their environment. Making a garden is, to a greater or Continua
Writing Urban Landscapes of the Anthropocene
Doctoral Crits of the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies LUS
Sudamérica LUS Talks
20 October 2022, 18:30 (2 December: 17:30) | ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Zürich. This year, the LUS Talks will engage diverse perspectives from practitioners and theorists addressing South America’s complex social and ecological landscapes.
Inaugural Lecture Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Nature and Engineering: The Park of the Buttes-Chaumont
«Incontri con il paesaggio»
(RE)Acting/(EN)Acting: New Approaches in Landscape Architecture
Understanding a Place by Looking at its Soil
Doing fieldwork – such as the study of soil, vegetation, or other living systems – is an essential task in the discipline of landscape architecture. It helps to understand and translate the existing conditions of a place to uncover its potential for future transformations. The Chair of Being Continua
Writing Landscapes, Writing the Urban
Master of Science ETH in Landscape Architecture
Apply now for Autumn 2023! The ETH Master‘s degree programme in Landscape Architecture is aimed at students with a Bachelor‘s degree in architecture or landscape architecture from a university or a Swiss university of applied sciences with at least 180 ECTS or equivalent. A motivation letter and a portfolio are Continua