disP – The Planning Review, Volume 54, Issue 3, October 2018 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
This new issue contains the following articles:
Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr
Pages: 2-3
disP Kolumne – disP Column
Kolumne – Column: Land of New Towns
Izabela Mironowicz
Pages: 4-5
Artikel – Articles
Gdynia – Impressions of a Prosperous City
Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr
Pages: 6-11
A Systemic View on Autonomous Vehicles. Policy Aspects for a Sustainable Transportation Planning
Francisco J. Bahamonde-Birke, Benjamin Kickhöfer, Dirk Heinrichs & Tobias Kuhnimhof
Pages: 12-25
Risikoorientierte Raumplanung in Österreich: Merkmale und Umsetzungsoptionen am Beispiel von Hochwasserrisiken
Walter Seher & Lukas Löschner
Pages: 26-35
Urban Sprawl within the Metropolitan Area of Oradea
Jean-Paul Carrière, Luminita Filimon, Sabine Guitel, Cathy Savourey & Elena Irincu
Pages: 36-51
Global-Local Dynamics in the Transformation of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area into a Global City-Region
Galuh Syahbana Indraprahasta, Ben Derudder & Jorn Koelemaij
Pages: 52-62
Rolf Signer
Pages: 64-65
Buchbesprechungen – Book Reviews
Why Detroit Matters and Phoenix Cities
Prof. Dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann
Pages: 66-68
Cities in Time
Prof. Dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann
Pages: 68-69
Perspectives (Pelka, Kasting 2017 and Grabher, Thiel 2016)
Prof. Dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann
Pages: 69-71
Architekturführer Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann
Pages: 71-72
Approaching territories under extended urbanisation
Dr. Elisa T. Bertuzzo
Pages: 72-73
The ideologies of planning law – in honor of Patrick McAuslan
Prof. Dr. habil. Fabian Thiel
Pages: 73-74
Subversive Stadtplanung
Prof. Dr. Christian Diller
Pages: 75-76