Exhibition, 23–25 March 2018 | Rabat, Morocco
Lecturers: Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Director MAS, and Something Fantastic
In the frame of the Inclusive Urbanism/Migration semester in Tangier, works of the MAS Urban Design presenting projects for an inclusive neighbourhood in sites in Tangier will be showed at the Rabat Architecture Biennale. Inspecting the political, economic, and social reasons behind migration and the spatial conditions attached to both departure and arrival sites; the question of the relevance of design is addressed. How can urban designers tackle such situations? What does moving for a longer period of time and settling down socially, economically and culturally entails spatially at urban, rural and periurban scales? What can be the response of design to the notion of ‘staying’, in the framework of an inclusive urbanism practice?
Institute for Urban Design, Chair Marc Angélil, MAS Urban Design
Contact: Charlotte Malterre-Barthes