![Portrait of urban Switzerland, showing metropolitan regions (red), networks of cities (orange), quiet zones (green), alpine resorts (blue) and alpine fallow lands (brown). Source: ETH Studio Basel, 2006.](
ETH Zürich
NSL – Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
HIL H 44.2
8093 Zürich
Direzione NSL
Direttore: Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann
Vicedirettrice: Prof. Milica Topalovic
Ufficio di coordinamento NSL
Claudia Gebert
Telefono: +41 (0)44 633 36 33
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Redazione disP
![Portrait of urban Switzerland, showing metropolitan regions (red), networks of cities (orange), quiet zones (green), alpine resorts (blue) and alpine fallow lands (brown). Source: ETH Studio Basel, 2006.](
Dr. sc. techn. Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr, pianificatrice territoriale ETH/NDS,
Telefono +41 (0)44 633 29 47
ETH Zürich
Redaktion disP
NSL – Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
HIL H 33.3
8093 Zürich
Fax +41 (0)44 633 12 15
Archivio NSL (gta)
![Portrait of urban Switzerland, showing metropolitan regions (red), networks of cities (orange), quiet zones (green), alpine resorts (blue) and alpine fallow lands (brown). Source: ETH Studio Basel, 2006.](
Archivio storico e di ricerca per l’architettura
del paesaggio e la pianificazione ambientale svizzere
Richieste di consultazione
ETH Zürich
NSL Archive (gta)
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
HIL C 65.2
CH-8093 Zurich
Protezione dei dati