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Bezahlbar wohnen? Ja natürlich! Aber was bedeutet das genau? Braucht es Entwicklungsprogramme wie in Addis Abeba, einen gesellschaftlichen Wandel oder eine Anpassung des Baubestands? Oder alles zusammen?
Zu guter Letzt: Das NSL begrüsst die Professur für Infrastrukturmanagement von Prof. Bryan T. Adey. Wir wünschen viel informatives Lesevergnügen.
Exploring the political-economic mechanisms underlying the production of affordable housing has been a recurring research theme at the chair of Prof. Marc Angélil. While also addressing the more familiar settings of the United States and central Europe, the main focus has been on rapidly growing urban territories of the southern hemisphere, investigating contexts such as Brazil, Egypt, India, or Ethiopia. Focusing on Ethiopia, this article briefly depicts the ambitious ‘Integrated Housing Development Program’, which has triggered a variety of unforeseen challenges within the spatial, social and economic structures of Addis Ababa. Continua