Un elenco completo delle pubblicazioni con funzioni di ricerca avanzate è disponibile al seguente link: ETH Zurich Research Collection
How Spatial Policies can Leverage Energy Transitions − Finding Pareto-optimal Solutions for Wind Turbine Locations with Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
Reto Spielhofer, Jonas Schwaab, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
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Artikel in den ETH-News (D und E)
What drives deforestation in Switzerland?
David Troxler, Astrid Zabel, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
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Erkenntnisse zum aktuellen Wohnungsnotstand: Bautätigkeit, Verdrängung und Akzeptanz
David Kaufmann, Elena Lutz, Fiona Kauer, Malte Wehr, Michael Wicki
Mountain Resilience: A Systematic Literature Review and Paths to the Future
Romano Wyss, Tobias Luthe, Lydia Pedoth, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Carolina Adler, Martha Apple, Eduardo Erazo Acosta, Haley Fitzpatrick, Jamila Haider, Gözde Ikizer, Angelo Jonas Imperiale, Nuray Karanci, Eva Posch, Olimjon Saidmamatov, Thomas Thaler
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Quo vadis Raumentwicklung Schweiz? Umfrage zur Zukunft der Raumentwicklung Schweiz
Spatial Transformation Laboratories (STL) | Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
La Norme d’Agadir – Un Urbanisme sur Mesure (Exhibition) & Agadir – Building the Modern Afropolis (Book Launch)
Tom Avermaete, Maxime Zaugg
The Great Repair: Politiken der Reparaturgesellschaft
ARCH+ (Christian Hiller, Markus Krieger, Alex Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo), Florian Hertweck, and Milica Topalović. Associate curators: Marija Marić, Nazlı Tümerdem
Arch+ Ausgabe 250: The Great Repair – Politiken der Reparaturgesellschaft
Actors, Arenas and Aims: A Conceptual Framework for Public Participation
Katrin Hofer, David Kaufmann
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Re-considering the Status Quo: Improving Calibration of Land Use Change Models Through Validation of Transition Potential Predictions
Benjamin Black, Maarten J. van Strien, Antoine Adde, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
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Planning Instruments Enhance the Acceptance of Urban Densification
Michael Wicki, Katrin Hofer, David Kaufmann
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Understanding Modal Splits Before, During, and After the Pandemic
Daniel Heimgartner, Kay Axhausen
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Operationalising Place for Land System Science
Michal Switalski, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
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The [Seasonal] Arrival City: Designing for migrants’ ‘transient right to the city’
Nitin Bathla, Jennifer Duyne Barenstein (Hrsg.)
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Bodies of Water – A Swiss Landscape Trilogy
Christophe Girot, Ludwig Berger, Fabian Gutscher, Dennis Häusler, Johannes Rebsamen, Matthias Vollmer (Hrsg.)
Pamphlet 26: Probing Zurich
Christophe Girot, Dennis Häusler, Magdalena Kaufmann, Matthias Vollmer.
Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 03
Stephen Cairns, Devisari Tunas (eds.)
Available at Lars Müller Publishers
Transitional Space – Six Japanese Houses Traversed
Christophe Girot, Dennis Häusler, Luisa Overath, Myriam Uzor, Matthias Vollmer (Ed.)
Accepting and Resisting Densification: The Importance of Project-related Factors and the Contextualizing Role of Neighbourhoods
David Kaufmann, Michael Wicki
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Wohnen. Zwölf Schlüsselthemen sozialräumlicher Wohnforschung
Christine Hannemann, Nicola Hilti, Christian Reutlinger
Verlag Fraunhofer
From conformance to performance? A comparative analysis of the European Union territorial policy trends in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ana Peric, Sinisa Trkulja, Zora Zivanovic
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An Experimental Urban Case Study with Various Data Sources and a Model for Traffic Estimation
Alexander Genser, Noel Hautle, Michail Makridis, Anastasios Kouvelas
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COVID-19 as a Window of Opportunity for Cycling: Evidence from the First Wave.
Beda Büchel, Alessio Daniele Marra, Francesco Corman
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Modern Architect and Migrant in the Australian Tropics
Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye (series editors), Deborah van der Plaat, John MacArthur (eds.), Karl Langer
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture
Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture
Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye (series editors), Martin Søberg (ed.), Kay Fisker
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture
The Modern Architect as Public Intellectual
Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye (series editors), Maurizio Sabini (ed.), Ernesto Nathan Rogers
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture
Theme Issue ‘Modernities’, OASE 109. Journal for Architecture
Tom Avermaete, Christoph Grafe, Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds (eds.)
Order OASE 109
Mapping Citizen Preferences and Priorities for an Alpine River Landscape
Anna Scaini, Ana Stritih, Constance Brouillet, Chiara Scaini
Landscript 6: Landscape Analogue. About Material Culture and Idealism
Christophe Girot, Albert Kirchengast (Editors)
Jovis Verlag
Eveline Althaus, Marie Glaser, Leonie Pock
Download PDF Projektdokumentation (PDF, 17.1 MB)
Ride Comfort Assessment for Automated Vehicles Utilizing a Road Surface Model and Monte Carlo Simulations
Alexander Genser, Roland Spielhofer, Philippe Nitsche, Anastasios Kouvelas
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Fest, Flüssig, Biotisch. Alpine Landschaften im Wandel
Thomas Kissling (Hrsg.)
Erhältlich bei Lars Müller Publishers
Robotic Landscapes – Designing the Unfinished
Ilmar Hurkxkens, Fujan Fahmi, Ammar Mirjan (Editors)
Available at Park Books