30. Januar 2018 | 8:00–12:15 Uhr | IVT-Seminar
Ort: HIT E51 (Siemens Auditorium), ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich


Prof. K.W. Axhausen, IVT, ETH Zürich: Begrüssung

8:00 Dr. Jin Cao, Optima Nexus Consulting AG, Zug: Traffic flow theory and its applications in urban environments

8:45 Dr. Mireia Roca Riu, ETH Zürich: Urban Logistics and its impact on traffic

9:30 Kaffee

10:00 Dr. Anastasios Kouvelas, EPFL: Traffic flow modeling, estimation and control

10:45 Dr. Konstantinos Ampountolas, University of Glasgow: Opportunities and Challenges in Traffic Engineering and Control in the Era of Connected and Automated Vehicles

11:30 Prof. Alexandra Kondyli, University of Kansas: Towards realistic models of driver behavior

Die Vortragsunterlagen stehen nach dem Seminar hier zur Verfügung.


Prof. Kay W. Axhausen, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT)