25 September 2019, 18:00-19:00 | The Grand Projet Book Launch & Exhibition Opening | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude, im Lichthof, Erdgeschoss (HG E Nord), Rämistrasse 101, Zürich | exhibition open 25.9. to 4.10.2019.
At this book launch and exhibition opening, The Grand Projet team at the ETH-Future Cities Laboratory presents the results of a four-year comparative research on the making and impact of urban megaprojects in Asia and Europe.
18.00 Registration
18.30 Introduction by Prof. Stephen Cairns, FCL Programme Director
18.35 The Grand Projet research background by Prof. Emeritus Kees Christiaanse, ETH Zürich
18.40 The Grand Projet, Understanding the Making and Impact of Urban Megaprojects, book presentation by Dr. Anna Gasco and Dr. Naomi C. Hanakata, FCL Senior Researchers and Project Coordinators
18.55 Stakeholder perspectives: Dr. Christian Salewski (Salewski & Kretz Architekten) and (tbc) Katrin Gügler (Direktorin Amt für Städtebau Stadt Zürich)
19.00 Closing remarks by Prof. Emeritus Kees Christiaanse, Book Launch & Exhibition Opening
To purchase the book, please visit this link