Miriam Lüdi, Sibylle Wälty
Darlegung des Instruments des SNF-Forschungsprojekts Nr. 162718 zur Evaluation der Flächenauswirkungen planerischer Massnahmen.
Abstract: Spatial planning intends to limit urban sprawl by constraining settlement areas. But the question remains: which planning efforts achieve higher urban densities? By using geostatistical data, this paper analyses urban density and transport patterns for the case of Switzerland. Based on this analysis an instrument is developed that allows to evaluate the impact of spatial planning policies on land consumption. This instrument further develops the understanding of how spatial planning influences land use patterns. Based on the results, the applicability of this instrument for decision-making in spatial planning is discussed.
Veröffentlicht im Journal disP – The Planning Review, Volume 56, 2020, Issue 1