Methodology Seminar | Starting 22 September on Thursdays, 14:00 – 16:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, Rote Hölle, HIL E67.
29.09 Ethnography from the field and archive – ADAM JASPER
06.10 Writing spatially, writing otherwise – MATTHEW CRITCHLEY
13.10 Indigenous Landscape Urbanism – KELLY SHANNON
03.11 Informed gardening activism – BARBARA VAN DYCK
10.11 Ordering the unfamiliar – ANNE HULTZSCH
17.11 Landscape, dwelling, and the political ecology – MAAN BARUA
24.11 From notes to narrative – NIKOS MAGOULIOTIS
01.12 Imagining the invisible – NANCY COULING
08.12 Writing in the Planetary Age – HOLLYAMBER KENNEDY
15.12 LUS Doc Crits
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies
Further information (PDF)
Lecturer: Dr. Nitin Bathla