17 March 2022, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E 7.
Lecturers: Tessa Peters, Director of Crop Stewardship,
The Land Institute & Bonnie-Kate Walker, Research Associate, Chair of Being Alive.
70% of the world’s cropland area is used for annual crops, often accompanied by tilling and herbicide application. These practices have detrimental effects on soil organic carbon globally. Tessa Peters and Bonnie-Kate Walker will present their research on traditional and contemporary forms of perennial agriculture in the Great Plains region of the US and discuss the shift toward cultivation and harvesting strategies that aim to keep the plants (and the soil) alive.
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies
Chair of Being Alive, Prof. Teresa Gali-Izard
Contact: Bonnie Kate Walker