Fridays, 10:00-12:00 | ETH Zürich, HCI D 4
This seminar explores innovative and qualitative methodologies that go beyond traditional approaches in landscape and urban research. By emphasizing mobile, embodied, participatory, and artistic methods, we transcend disciplinary boundaries and tackle pressing themes such as pluriversal contact zones, more-than-human landscapes, and critical plant studies. The „more-than“ in the course title reflects our commitment to exploring and expanding emergent methodologies, while also questioning and troubling them as we engage with complex, contested, and multi-layered issues. The ultimate objective is for participants to delve into these pioneering methodologies and themes, contextualize them through key texts, and develop their own unique research approaches.
20.09. Introduction: More-than Methodologies | Nazlı Tümerdem
27.09. A Walking Seminar: Engaging with Pluriversal Contact Zones | Jonas Landolt & Flurina Gradin
04.10. Landscape Methods: From Within and from Without | Nicole de Lalouviere
11.10. Atmospheric Methods and Liveliness of Knowledge: Research as Animating Worlds | Karolina Sobecka
18.10. Journeys in Researching Otherwise | Nitin Bathla
01.11. Designing as Worlding: Multimodal Explorations into the Ecocene | Aylin Tschoepe
08.11. On Plant Intelligence | Yvonne Volkart
15.11. Imagistic Outgrowths: Disturbing the Poetics and Conventions of Ethnography via Photography | Lindsay Vogt
22.11. Participations, Partners, and Play in Urban Anthropological Research | Maren Larsen
29.11. Research as Collective Action | Santiago del Hierro
06.12. TBC
Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
Contact: Nazlı Tümerdem