10 October – 4 December 2024, 18:30-20:00 | ETH Zürich, Design in Dialogue Lab, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50.
LUS Talks is a public lecture series that addresses critical questions in landscape and urban studies. This year, we explore the spatial challenges and societal changes arising from current breakdowns: disruptive moments in ecological processes and urban systems. What is falling apart and why? Who offers alternatives to these failing structures, and how do they sustain themselves when routine returns? We will examine how practices are transformed and discuss ways to resist, care for, and ultimately regrow from the remnants of the past. The LUS Talks are curated by Robin Hueppe, Carina Sacher, and Juan Villalón Hernando.
- 10 October: Prof. Matthew Gandy, University of Cambridge, England, and Johanna Just, ETH Zurich
- 7 November: Prof. Jennifer Mack, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and Prof. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, EPFL
- 20 November: Prof. Erin McElroy, Department of Geography, University of Washington (online lecture) and Prof. Hanna Hilbrandt, Department of Geography, University of Zurich.
- 4 December: Claudia Amico and Zulema de la Cruz, Ama Amancaes, Perú and Soledad Patiño, Stefano Romagnoli and Joaquín Tome, Región Austral + CEEU, Argentina.
Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien
Kontakt: Robin Hueppe, Carina Sacher, Juan Villalón Hernando