7 March – 2 May | Film Screenings and Discussions.
7 March: Chair of Sociology (Prof. Schmid) presents Wanted 18 (75’, Paul Cowan, Amer Shomali, 2014) | 19:00 | ETH Zürich, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zürich Oerlikon
28 March: Chair of Being Alive (Prof. Galí-Izard) presents Honeyland (89’, Tamara Kotevska, Ljubomir Stefanov, 2019) | 19:00 | ETH Zürich, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zürich Oerlikon
4 April: Chair of Architecture & Urban Design (Prof. Klumpner) presents Island of Flowers (13‘ Jorge Furtado, 1989) + Foreign Parts (82’, J.P. Sniadecki, Verena Paravel, 2010) | 19:00 | ETH Zürich, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zürich Oerlikon
11 April: Chair of Architecture & Urban Transformation (Prof. Persyn) presents Sensing abundance (7’, Linus Arnold, Julian Volken, Jan Bauer, 2021) + Western (121’, Valeska Grisebach, 2018) | 19:00 | L200, Langstrasse 200, Zürich
2 May: Chair of Architecture & Territorial Planning (Prof. Topalović) presents The Seasons In Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger (90‘ Christopher Roth, 2016) | 16:00 | ETH Zürich, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zürich Oerlikon
Admission Free. 3G Event (or according to the current BAG/ETH rules). For more information please contact Klearjos Papanicolaou.
These screenings are organised in collaboration with the «Mittelbau» from across the different chairs of the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS). In collaboration with the different chairs, there is a post-screening apero where we will have a chance to discuss our reflections from the film and catchup with each other.