Dear reader,
Future Cities Lab Global (FCL Global) is an international, interdisciplinary research collaboration between ETH Zurich and three Singapore universities – National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the Singapore University for Technology and Design (SUTD) – operating from two hubs, one at ETH Zurich and one the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), a partnership established in 2010 between ETH and NRF (National Research Foundation Singapore). The collaboration will see scientists from both countries come together to develop solutions to help cities and their surrounding regions achieve sustainable growth. Find out more about the FCL Global programme in our latest NSL newsletter.
We hope you enjoy the read!
Prof. Sacha Menz & Dr. Matthew Skjonsberg | Future Cities Lab Global (Zurich Hub)
FCL Global addresses the globally significant challenges of expanding urbanisation and aims to create a better understanding of the relationship between the city and its surrounding region, so as to make city-regions more sustainable. Following FCL Global’s Launch Event on 2 March 2021, FCL Global Co-Director Professor Sacha Menz and Dr. Matthew Skjonsberg, FCL Global Associate Director (Hub Zurich), discussed the programme’s philosophy and attitude – urban and rural, nature and culture, design and engineering, people and politics.
Dr. Nicolas Salliou, Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey | Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems
The capital city of Madagascar, Antananarivo, is a high-altitude city. Traditionally, the Merina culture settled on hills dominating rice cultivation in the plains. However, urban growth is changing this landscape fast as city dwellers are more and more settling in the rice plain. This growth also raises the demand for bricks made by mining. The soil of the plain rises and back-fills are eating up the sponge capacity of the city to cope with floods.
Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid | Sociology & Prof. Milica Topalović | Architecture and Territorial Planning
What is the future of the manifold agricultural territories across the world that support contemporary cities? While discussions on urban sustainability have focused on cities and urban regions, many agricultural territories are equally exposed to rapid and far-reaching urban transformation processes with massive social and environmental implications, opening a research gap for ‘agri-urbanisms’.
Dr. Philipp RW Urech | Chair of Prof. Christophe Girot, Landscape Architecture | Future Cities Laboratory
Digital technologies have become ubiquitous in current design practice for urban landscapes. Not only does the rapidly increasing extent and resolution of digital data help to study urban systems, but digital technologies have also enabled the inclusion of dynamic conditions in the design process. Understanding these conditions makes it possible to design shapes that respond to the characteristics of a site.
Dr. Zuzana Drillet | Chair of Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) & Prof. Peter Edwards | Environmental Systems Science
Until recently, urban planners and designers gave little consideration to the multifunctional design of green spaces. This was partly because quantitative information about the extent of ecosystem benefits was not readily accessible to landscape professionals. Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), Singapore-ETH Centre has developed an ‘Ecosystem Services-Design Loop’ that creates an effective link between ecosystem performance and the landscape design.
Thomas Kissling | Professur Günther Vogt, Landschaftsarchitektur
Der Klimawandel verändert die Konditionen für die touristischen Regionen in den Alpen. Zahlreiche Speicherkapazitäten für die Produktion von Schnee wurden in den letzten Jahren gebaut oder sind projektiert. Diese artifiziellen Kleinstseen stellen massive Eingriffe in das sensible Gefüge der alpinen Landschaft dar. Das von den Toggenburg Bergbahnen geförderte und von der Professur Günter Vogt ausgeführte Forschungsprojekt entwirft basierend auf einer Auslegeordnung und Analyse bestehender Beschneiungsspeicher Szenarien für die zukünftige Speicherlandschaft der Alpen mit Fokus auf die Schweiz. Thomas Kissling
ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE, Entwicklungsplanung Stadt Baden, CONT-S GmbH
Das Projekt «Oberstadt4D» unterstützt die Entwicklungsplanung des Badener Quartiers Oberstadt. Dieses soll sich zu einem dichten, urbanen Wohnquartier transformieren. Im Fokus der Untersuchung stehen die künftige bauliche Dichte, die Bebauungs- und Freiraumstruktur sowie das Nutzungsverhältnis von Wohnen und Arbeiten. Mit dem partizipativen Ansatz schliesst es Wissenschaft, Praxis und Verwaltung sowie weitere gesellschaftliche Akteure frühzeitig und durchgängig ein.
Dies ist eine Auswahl. Eine vollständige Liste finden Sie in der ETH Zürich Research Collection.
Ana Stritih, Cornelius Senf, Rupert Seidl, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Peter Bebi
Mountain forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and protection from natural hazards. Forest cover in the European Alps has increased over the last century, but in recent years, these forests have experienced an increasing rate of natural disturbances by agents such as windthrow, bark beetle outbreaks, and forest fires.
Daniel Kiss and Simon Kretz (Editors)
This project stemmed from the editors‘ shared interest in theories of urban form and a reading seminar they jointly taught at the D-ARCH, ETH Zurich. In their ongoing investigations into questions of form in theory and practice, the relationship between the social and the material emerged again and again as one of the momentous central themes of the discipline.
Miriam Esders, Claudio Martani, Bryan T. Adey
The uncertainty on the future treatments demand, recently evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, makes it challenging for hospitals managers to determine the optimal design of new clinics. Flexibility can help in optimally minimizing the service risks when the benefits of the investments justify the costs, considering the dynamism of treatment demand.
Internationales Doktorandenkolleg – Forschungslabor Raum (Hg.)
Die Herausforderungen der europäischen Raumentwicklung sind nur in transdisziplinärer Kooperation zu bewältigen. In einem sich dynamisch verändernden Europa mit seinen komplexen Wandlungsprozessen sind neue, integrierende Planungs- und Entwurfsansätze gefragt, um den Zusammenhalt zwischen den Ländern und Regionen zu stärken.
Michael Walczak
Switzerland’s widely adopted spatial policy rejects the use of new land in favour of promoting the densification of existing buildings or brownfield developments. However, to date there has not been an assessment of the volumetric building reserves that are still available within the current building regulatory framework. This paper addresses this lacuna using a case study of the agglomeration of Lausanne.
Günther Vogt, Violeta Burckhardt, Frank Fehrenbach (Hg.)
Das Urbild des Gartens ist das Paradies, das durch hohe Mauern von einer unwirtlicheren Welt getrennt war. Die heutigen «Paradiese» sind Saatgutbunker in Spitzbergen oder gigantische künstliche Welten zur optimierten Produktion von Lebensmitteln.
Andrea González
The Creation of the First Japanese Cities, the Recovery After the Second World War and the Reconstruction of the Cities of the North After the Tsunami of 2011.
Kay W. Axhausen
This short paper sets out the basic dilemma of transport policy making today, as how to strike the balance between the benefits of accessibility and the induced externalities in terms of sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions and congestion. The impacts of the Corona19 pandemic sharpens the dilemma.
Weiterbildung | Studiengänge
Bewerbungsfrist: 1. Januar – 30. April 2021. Mehr
Call for applications PROLONGED until 30 June 2021.
Urban and territorial design has acquired a new meaning and urgency. From drivers of progress to the source of planetary hazards, the impacts of cities and wider urbanisation processes are being recast in the public sphere. The critical examination of anthropocentric world views, the proposed politics of a Green New Deal, growing social movements, and climate activism are reflected directly in urban and territorial space, highlighting power asymmetries and fuelling the exploration of alternatives. The imminent future of the urban engages social and environmental imaginaries, which now extend beyond-the-city and beyond-the-human.
Bewerbungsfrist VERLÄNGERT: 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 2021, Kursstart: September 2021.
Das MAS setzt sich zum Ziel, durch multidisziplinäre Ausbildung und Forschung auf hohem Niveau dazu beizutragen, Lösungen für die Herausforderungen des Wohnungsbaus in der Schweiz, in Europa sowie in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen weltweit zu finden.
Anmeldung: ab Januar 2021 – 31. Juli 2021. Mehr
Bewerbungsfrist: 1. Nov. – 15. Dez. 2021 & 1. – 30. April 2022 Mehr
16-21 August 2021 | Application deadline PROLONGED: 1 July | Villa Cassel, 3987 Riederalp, Kanton Wallis.
Dies ist eine Auswahl. Alle Artikel finden Sie auf der Seite Aktuell.
26.3.–29.8.2021 | ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich.
«Critical Care» ist eine Ausstellung des Architekturzentrum Wien und wurde dort erstmals 2019 gezeigt. Mehr
30 March 2021 – 15 June 2021 Online exhibition | 15 September – 15 October 2021 Real space exhibition at the Baubibliothek, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg. Mehr
8. April 2021, 11 Uhr | online.
Diesen April findet der von der Age-Stiftung organisierte Age-Talk «Sackgeldjobs – Wie funktioniert das?» zur Jugendjobbörse Winterthur statt. Zu Gast ist die Sozial- und Kulturanthropologin Dr. Eveline Althaus (ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE), die über den kürzlich erschienenen Bericht zur Jugendjobbörse Winterthur spricht.
Weitere Informationen
16. März / 13. April / 11. Mai / 1. Juni, jeweils 13.30–15 Uhr | online.
Die Wohnforum Talks (ehem. BBL) eröffnen eingeladenen Gästen und Mitarbeitenden des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Bereiche ihrer Forschung zu teilen und Ideen, Konzepte und Ergebnisse zu diskutieren. Die Veranstaltung findet online statt, jeweils Dienstag, 13.30–15 Uhr (unregelmässig).
12–16 April, 9:00–17:30 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H22.11 or online, depending on the current rules. Mehr
We are happy to invite you to propose contributions for the upcoming issue trans#39 Comfort. trans magazin is the bi-annual architecture journal of the Department of Architecture at th ETH Zurich. We are looking forward to hearing your proposals in English and German. Please send a brief abstract to by 14 April 2021. For further information please visit the trans website. Elisaveta, Ella, Jeremy, Juliette.
12 May, 10:00–13:00 | Colloquium | online.
Invited Lecturers: Professor Dr. Thea Brejzek, School of Archi- tecture, University of Technology, Sydney; Professor Dr. Mari Lending, Oslo School of Architecture and Design; Dr. Matthew Wells, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich. Mehr
5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture.
2 to 5 July 2021 | Monte Verità (near Locarno), Switzerland.
Panel at the 5th International Conference on Public Policy in Barcelona from 6–8 July 2021, registration until 28 June.
This panel will explore theoretical and empirical developments of urban policy analysis. Mehr
Video now online!
As urbanization intensifies all over the world, so do contestations over how city space is produced. Citizens, politicians, urban designers and architects become increasingly aware of the fact that the city can no longer be solely developed as the playing field of private interests or of state ideologies. Instead, they propose to look upon the production of the city as a ‘common matter’, guided by common codes and the care for common resources.
Isabelle Fehlmann, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Landschaftsarchitektur
Melanie Fessel, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Claudia Gebert, Koordinationsstelle NSL, Chefredaktion
Maarten Van Strien, Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
Jan Westerheide, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Caroline Winkler, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT)