Das NSL Kolloquium ist eine halbjährlich stattfindende Präsentation herausragender Arbeit. Das Thema wird jeweils durch die einladende Professur festgelegt.


Further upcoming NSL Colloquia will be announced soon.

NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes

February 26 – 28, 2025, ETH Zürich (exact location TBA)



Schmied: Planetary Urbanization in Comparative Perspective

Planetary Urbanization in Comparative Perspective

NSL-Kolloquium 2016|2
Guests: AbdouMaliq Simone and Wing Shing Tang

Inviting chair:
NSL-Kolloquium 2013

De-Localize: The Power of Synthesis

NSL-Colloquium 2013|1
Guest: Alejandro Aravena

Inviting chair: