Workshop on 7th May 2019 | ETH main building, Rämistrasse 101, HG K30.1.
The workshop aims to bring together different approaches for assessing urban density, including aspects such as the qualities of a space and how a space is perceived by its users. Academics, practicing architects and policy makers will discuss how they treat the subject of perceived urban density in their work. The workshop is part of a research project that tries to develop more user-orientated metrics relating to urban density.
Tyler Brûlé, Monocle
Michael Hensel, TU Wien
Andreas Kofler, Curator, S AM
Lars Marcus, Chalmers University
Verena Poloni, ARE, Kanton ZH
Urs Primas, ZHAW
Ute Schneider, KCAP
Julia Sulzer, AfS, Stadt Zürich
Tim White, LSE Cities
Info and Registration
Dr. Beatrix Emo, Chair of Cognitive Science, ETH Zurich