24 to 26 June 2022 | Old Botanical Garden, Zurich (festival centre).
The interdisciplinary symposium and sound festival «Sonic Topologies» explores the relationship between place, sound, and knowledge. Researchers, architects, and artists develop site-specific sonic contributions at different locations in the city of Zurich, which explore the acoustic, ecological, social, or historical characteristics of each place.
Through sonic lectures, workshops, and concerts, the public programme offers profound listening experiences on site. The festival unfolds the potential of a consciously composed sonic landscape with pioneering approaches to sound architecture, sound art, and unheard sounds from science.
Das interdisziplinäre Klang-Festival «Sonic Topologies» untersucht an den Schnittstellen von zeitgenössischer Musik, Klangkunst, Architektur und Wissenschaft die klangliche Komposition der Stadtlandschaft. Im öffentlichen Raum Zürichs werden 30 Positionen herausragender MusikerInnen und KlangspezialistInnen präsentiert, welche die Klangkörper und -räume der Stadt hörbar machen und neu imaginieren.
Mit: Nathalie Bikoro Anguezomo, Berlin; Prof. Julian Henriques, Goldsmiths, University of London; Prof. Dr. Sandra
Jasper, HU Berlin; Marcus Maeder, ZHdK; Tomoko Sauvage, Paris; Dr. Nadine Schütz, ETH Zurich; Prof. Dr. Meta Virant- Doberlet, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia; Dr. Salome Voegelin, London College of Communication; et al.
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies
Landscape Architecture, Prof. Christophe Girot
Further information
Contact: Ludwig Berger