18:00–19:00 | online.
We aim to examine the notion of mediating tacit knowledge from different perspectives, in conversations between the cultural institutions Het Nieuwe Instituut, Vlaams Architectuurinsituut, and Architekturzentrum Wien. Each talk has a different subtitle touching upon different topics and will include one representative from two TACK partner institutions, a PhD candidate as moderator, and two PhD candidates as respondents. Presentations will offer a framing for following roundtable discussions and Q&As.
• 11 March, Talk 1: How to choose the expert? (on expertise and design culture)
• 25 March, Talk 2: How to archive embodied knowledge? (on crafts and materials, and digitalization)
• 8 April, Talk 3: How to define what belongs where? (on regionalism and territories, and participation)
Institute of the History and Theory of Architecture (gta).
History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete.
Communities of Tacit Knowledge – TACK.
Further information.